The sibling, once grown up, got stuck in a house and never touched again. What I did was make a new one (this time adult then age down in cas) and play that one instead of the older sibling. That Sim also came out unfortunate, because rather than making an adult and then changing age group, I made a toddler that looked good as a toddler, which when aged up turned out to have a weirdly thin head and long chin. Then I created a toddler in CAS, which I feeded to adoption pool and adopted. It happened twice, and i killed both because I wasn't about to have my story ruined by absurd appearances.

I didn't know about aging up/down sims then, but already as toddlers they were very unfortunate looking. However, one couple got some kind of glitch with their babies that made them come out frankenbabies. Before that, I was still a newbie player in the sense that I rarely touched the sliders in CAS and every sim was a a "normal" looking template. I've been recreating my hood for nearly two years now (wait what how did that happen) so all births were pre-designed and immediately alternative surgery-d to their original appearance. I haven't had much unfortunate Sims in my days. I predict Peni will come with an excellent reply that I will enjoy reading :P Polyxena looking that deformed is rather infuriating because her twin brother Xenon is distinctly alien and odd looking but not distorted. As a child she looked like someone had taken Sharla Ottomas and failed to use plastic surgery on her, as a teen it got worse. She was odd looking as a toddler, even more odd looking as a child which is never good sign and when prematurely aged up in to a teen to find out how bad it was the shading on her skin tone was messed up because of how distorted her features were. On the other hand Vasiliki's half sister Polyxena died of a terminal birth defect once she hit childhood. Looking back that was why their mother died and Vangelis ended up raising Vasiliki. His even more interesting looking sister, Vasiliki, is going to die because she's an whiny annoying shit who spends her entire time pitching a fit that her fun bar is red and then that her comfort bar is red and then that her hunger or bladder bars are red rather than going and tending her needs like you told her to two sim hours ago. One of my prettiest sims, Oberon, died because his constant fighting pissed me off last rotation whereas one of my more interesting looking sims, Vangelis, was finally rewarded with his One True Love now he's done being a really good big brother and raising his little sister without complaining.

Interesting is fine, let them grow up see how they look and how annoying their personalities are. Inspired by the Ottomas thread what do you do when your sims are really unfortunate looking?įor me it depends how unfortunate looking they are. What do you do with really unfortunate looking sims?